If the contact name is not an active link, please contact Katy Hunter at [email protected] for more information.
Church Life & AdministrationBuilding Committee (Trey Banks | Douglas Marion)
Children's Ministries (Heather Pienkos) Communications (Katy Hunter) Cursillo (Kathy Nungesser) East Cooper Concert Series (Dr. Levi Henkel) Finance Committee (Chuck Croft) Grands & More (Wanda DeLorge | Sherry Rest) Life Groups (Belle Croft) Stewardship (Fr. Ted Duvall) Student Ministry (JP Poisson) Vestry (Sr. Warden: Michele Talley | Jr. Warden: Julie Reagor) Welcoming (Belle Croft) Yarns of Love (Dottie Kelley) Church Life & AdministrationAcolytes (Julie Teiken | Kassie Kellett)
Altar Guild (Michele Talley) Flower Guild (Belle Croft) Greeters (Belle Croft) Lay Eucharistic Minister (Howard Harder) Lay Eucharistic Visitors (Mark Nungesser) Music - Choirs & Band (Dr. Levi Henkel) Technology Team (Rob Bellacicco) Ushers (Walt Fletcher) Pastoral Care & SupportPastoral Care (Fr. Ted Duvall | Pastor CJ Ausmus)
Bereavement (Deacon Joyce Harder) Pastoral Care Meals (Deacon Joyce Harder) Prayer Ministry [email protected](Ann Simmonite) |
Outreach MinistriesOutreach (Ken Schnupp)
ECCO (Katherine Duvall) HALOS (Valerie Saunders) Seafarers Ministry (Howard Harder) Tree Church Project (Fr. Ted Duvall) Men's MinistriesMen of Christ Church (Howard Althen)
Men's Prayer Breakfast: Tuesday (Howard Althen) Build It Projects (Tom Parker) Fathers of Young Children (Brad Johnson) Women's MinistriesBloom Women's Ministries (Cindy Ann Thompson | Cathy Sizer)
Mama Meals (Belle Croft) Mothers of Young Children Study (Anne Marion) Wednesday Women's Bible Studies (Tori Gum) Busy Women's Bible Study (Melanie Ensminger | Sarah Althen) |