Christ Church dates to 1706, and for most of that time was a part of the Episcopal Church USA. However, revisions to or abandonment of historic Christian theology and practice by that denomination brought, first, long years of dialogue and contention, and then a time of choice: in 2012 our church disaffiliated from the Episcopal Church as a way to continue believing, practicing and proclaiming “the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). After extensive litigation, that choice cost us our historic property and assets. We left that beloved campus confident in God’s call to contend for a Biblical faith and to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Through loss and change and new challenges we have experienced God’s provision at every step: we’ve been led to wonderful locations for Sunday and weekday worship, as well as offices and meeting spaces. After only four months an incredibly generous donation enabled us to purchase land on Faison Road in the heart of north Mt. Pleasant on which to eventually build a new church; one month later, another large donation provided us with enough working capital to start the planning for that new church. Along with these joyful and sacrificial gifts from members of our church, we’ve been blessed with prayerful and tangible support from many beyond our church who share our faith convictions and honor our choice to follow those convictions at great cost.
Our vision is simple, challenging and beautiful: Make Disciples (Matthew 28:19). If you are moved to give toward the building of a new church with these convictions and this vision, please click on Building Fund and give generously as you are able.
Through loss and change and new challenges we have experienced God’s provision at every step: we’ve been led to wonderful locations for Sunday and weekday worship, as well as offices and meeting spaces. After only four months an incredibly generous donation enabled us to purchase land on Faison Road in the heart of north Mt. Pleasant on which to eventually build a new church; one month later, another large donation provided us with enough working capital to start the planning for that new church. Along with these joyful and sacrificial gifts from members of our church, we’ve been blessed with prayerful and tangible support from many beyond our church who share our faith convictions and honor our choice to follow those convictions at great cost.
Our vision is simple, challenging and beautiful: Make Disciples (Matthew 28:19). If you are moved to give toward the building of a new church with these convictions and this vision, please click on Building Fund and give generously as you are able.